Thursday, February 27, 2020

Ip1 managing high performance Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ip1 managing high performance - Research Paper Example Therefore, supervisors have to interact with sub-ordinates to find out the best style of management to utilize for effectiveness. Some will need an authoritarian manager while others will perform adequately in a participative manner that guarantees the best result. Theory X can use in managing unskilled labor-force and large scale production. Theory Y is best suited for professional services as well as knowledge-based work, such as call center procedures (Winslow, 2009). Theory Y and democratic decision-making are at some degree comparable. The employees working under theory Y naturally merged their objectives to the organization’s objectives. Theory Y allows employees to participate in decision-making but leave management to implement decisions made. However, democratic decision-making is when an individual makes decisions without external influence. Employees’ performance and morale can improve if a manager understands the two theories. The manager can hence practice the excellent leadership style. As a result, he can advance the productivity of the organization (Drucker,

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ethics in the Police Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ethics in the Police Service - Assignment Example The interview conducted involved a male and a female officer from Texas, but these two officers do not know each other and each was not informed of the identity of the other interviewee. They preferred not to have their names mentioned to preserve the confidentiality of their views. Both officers are in their middle ages; the male officer is 38 years old and has served for seven years, whereas the female officer is already 42, and has served for 11 years. Both officers expressed devotion to their sworn profession. The interview was conducted online via Skype, thus ensuring a relaxed and free atmosphere with the interviewees situated at the comfort of their homes. However, there were some limitations due to the lack of personal contact of the interviewer with the two law enforcers. To note, the interviewer was not able to note down gestures and facial expressions to fully grasp the sincerity of the interviewees. Nevertheless, the eagerness of the interviewees in answering the question s helped a lot to achieve the primary goals of the interview. The interviewees responded to the following main questions: 1. Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? 2. Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical ten years ago? 3. Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? ... Why are ethics and character so important in the field of law enforcement? 2. Do you feel that police are more ethical today, or were they more ethical ten years ago? 3. Why do police officers become involved in misconduct? 4. Do you feel that there is enough training offered in ethics at the police academy level? If not, why is that? .Should ethics training be offered as an on-going process for law enforcement officers? 6. Do you feel that education and/or training in ethics would reduce incidents of police corruption? In addition to the questions provided above, some follow up questions were asked to help clarify thoughts of the respondents. Such questions are labeled as FQs. The responses of the male interviewee are labeled as Respondent 1 (R1), and the responses of the female interviewee are labeled as Respondent 2 (R2) .The interview with the respondents lasted for less than 15 minutes each, and the recorded answers were transcribed in this paper. Q1. Why are ethics and characte r so important in the field of law enforcement? R1: ethics and character are very important in our profession. We, law officers, follow some ethics and rules like any other citizen but we are more obliged to show others what’s right and what’s wrong, we serve as role models. Part of the requirements in being police is to be a good citizen of this country, respect the law, show concern for the people, and always bring pride to that uniform you’re wearing each day. R2: Ethics and character are basic requirements in being police officers to ensure that they can be trusted to serve the people without self-interest and greed. An aspiring police officer needs to possess desirable character and traits that are aligned to the code of ethics and mission of the